Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Down and More Goodness

Today I got on the scale and I have lost 5lbs!!! I was so excited and still am. I am going on my third week week on eating no sugar and switching to whole grains that have not been processed. I have only worked out a few times during these last two weeks so hopefully I can get my butt to the gym this week. Last night we had dinner with some friends and afterwards everyone had ice cream. It really was not hard to say no which I am surprised. Now seeing the 5lbs down I don't want to even pick up a sweet treat.

Things have been going good. This last weekend I have my three little nephews stay for the weekend. I had a blast. They are so cute and crazy. Ben and I enjoyed them being here but once they were gone we both agreed we don't want kids for a few more years. We are enjoying are freedom. I get asked a lot when we are going to have kids. I really want some one day but not for a while. Yesterday I got to hang out with my good friend Kristi and we sat around drank tea and did crafts. I haven't really hung out with her in awhile so it was nice to catch up and just have girl time.

My birthday is coming up on March 9th and browsing through pinterest I came across this awesome idea this lady did for here birthday. ( She was turning 38 and did 38 random acts of kindness. I want to do this for my 23rd birthday. I haven't started to write my list yet but will have it done before my birthday. When I read the ladies blog I cried because it was so selfless and giving when normally on our birthdays we make everything about ourselves. I know normally on my birthday I want to be the center of attention and get gifts and go out to eat where I want but this year I think it would be awesome to give back a little.

Anyways here I journey on into week 3 of having things be different in my life for the better.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


On Friday I went to my parents house for a few days. I had a blast. I got to hang out with my parents and see my sister. It was a good time. My mom also helped me thread my sewing machine. She taught me a few things on my machine. I am excited because I have Monday off and can play around on my machine. hopefully I don't forget what I learned this weekend. I still have my mom's and sister's Christmas presents to make. Hopefully now they can get done soon.

Also since I am not eating sugar going home to my parents was hard. My mom always has cookies in the cookie jar, candy out and tons of other yummy treats. I did good. I passed them all up even though it was hard.     Tuesday will be one week of no sugar and I am surprised how good I am doing. I do know that when I can have a sweet treat again I am eating some ice cream!

I am also excited for Monday because Ben has class till 11 or 12 and we actually get some time to hang out where he is not sleeping or I just got off work. It will be nice. I feel like I have not seen a lot of him since school started back up for him again. I know we are just in the period in our lives where we don't get to see a lot of each other but it makes it hard. I have no clue what we are going to do with our free afternoon yet but it will be nice to see him. 

Anyways things this week have been good. I also got a ton more hours at work which makes things nice. I am currently working at Costco and sometimes it is hard to be there. I just find no meaning in the job and  I like to have meaning in everything I do. I told myself though that I need to just work for a year and find out what direction I want to take my career. I thought about going and getting my certificate to teach preschool. Who knows though, I want to do so many different things. We shall see what happens.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

AHHH New Year and New Goals

So here I go. I decided to make a goals list for this year. I know that the first month is more then half over. Never to late to start. Anyways I wanted to make goals to change a few habits in my life and to have something to accomplish and work towards. I feel like since I graduated I have no direction besides making sure I clock in on time at work. I want to give direction and healthier habits to focus on then coming home from work and watching meaningless tv or playing on the computer. 

1. Spend "quiet time" as I call it with God. A time of prayer, reflection, and reading scripture. I want this to become a daily habit again.
2. Give up sugar for 6 months. My friend Vik inspired me to do this. She has been giving up sugar for over a year now. My goal is to become healthy and make life changes today that will impact me for the future. This also means eating better altogether. I love sweets, and processed food. So this year I want to focus on setting new habits in this area of my life.
3. Stay up to date on my blog. Pretty much just writing in my blog once a week about what is happening in my life and thoughts that are twirling through my head. 
4. Take pictures of my life. So pretty much Ben and I don't have any pictures of our first few months of being married, thanksgiving, or even Christmas. We both are bad at remembering  to bring the camera when we go on adventures. If we do bring the camera we forget to take any pictures. First thing is first I need to figure out how to unlock my sim card so we can take pictures. Hopefully keeping up with my blog I will post some pictures.
5. Take a sewing class. I am nervous and excited for this. I just don't want to seem dumb and find out I have no hope in sewing.
6. My last goal is to find a place to volunteer at regularly. I am still unsure where yet but hope to have an answer soon.

There they are. Now I wish myself good luck. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where to Start?

From the beginning of  middle school through part of college I kept a journal. It was a way for me to express and let out all of the thoughts that were tangled in my head. For the last few years I have tired to write in a journal and nothing comes out. I thought creating a blog would help me write out my thoughts, and I could look bad over my post and see where I have been and where I am going. That was also a benefit I loved about keeping a journal that years later I could read over them and see where struggle has been and joy has taken place. So here I am trying a new outlet to document my life.

Here lately I have been thinking about last year and how much in my life has changed. I am no longer just Tonya who only has to worry about herself. I am a married women which sounds just weird to me. High school is long gone and college has past also. I am on the next chapter of my life which is working, paying bills, being married and learning what life is all about. I feel old! Although my mind still feels like I am only 16 and just got my drivers license. Sometimes I wonder if I am ever going to feel my actual age again? Maybe when the grey hair sets in? (Which by the way I decided to not color my grey hair when it comes and embrace the silver fox old lady look.) Anyways I feel weird about where I am at in life. Not in a bad way. I am just learning what this chapter of my life feels like.

When I decided I was going to start a blog I thought a lot about the name. For me that mattered. Just as when I wrote in my journals they had to have a certain look and feel for me to be able to write in it. The name finally came tonight so I created it. I chose the word naivety because I am young only being 22 and I have so much to learn about. Let's just say from learning how to cook to my wonderful husband exposing me to the "joys" of politics and different kinds of good beer. The word journey has been part of my language since college I would say. That is the best word I have come understand the meaning of life with. God leads us through life not as a race but as a search for meaning, Himself, and the struggles and joys of this fallen world. The last word I used was wisdom. At this moment I want God to shape me into the old women who is a little crazy but wise only because God has sculpted me into that women. When I am old I want to be  great at sewing, rich in knowledge of faith, and to love deeply. So there that sums up my blog title. I feel with it in place I can now write and those words encompass who I have been, who I am now, and who I will become hopefully.

Ahhhh. finally this feels good to write. So I guess this is where I started.